Social Media
All faculty can use social media for their courses and sections. Below is the suggested use of popular social media.
•One page for all AAA 109 courses:
•Instructors can simply provide this link to students, and do not have to take part in posting or using the board
•Page is designed for current AAA 109 students and AAA 109 alumni
•Instructors, students, and alumni can post course-related material
Examples: articles on time management or study skills
•Alumni and current students can network
•Job opportunities, connecting mentors
•Instructors can simply provide this link to students, and do not have to take part in posting or using the board
•Page is designed for current AAA 109 students and AAA 109 alumni
•Instructors, students, and alumni can post course-related material
Examples: articles on time management or study skills
•Alumni and current students can network
•Job opportunities, connecting mentors
•One page for all AAA 109 courses
•Follow board: AAA 109 – Advanced Academic Achievement
•Students and instructors can post course-related material
Examples: web pages, web articles, and blog posts relating to study skills, interview preparation
•Follow board: AAA 109 – Advanced Academic Achievement
•Students and instructors can post course-related material
Examples: web pages, web articles, and blog posts relating to study skills, interview preparation
•Each instructor has his or her own Twitter account
•Instructors can tweet assignment reminders or course updates
•Instructors can tweet assignment reminders or course updates